Wednesday, December 16, 2009

C-H-E-E-S-E cake

A goluptious  cheese cake with chopped apricot and strawberries.That's really toothsome!
I was the co-baker. But the air pockets in the cake doesn't seem to stay, maybe it's just the heavy layer of tangy cream cheese. There's still half of it in my fridge though.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mom, it's only 4 oclock in the morning!

It was only 4 in the morning when my dad knocked my door. "Wake up! it's 4. 10 now." The silence of that morning was suddenly disturbed my that morning call, and my alarm call. It's the end of another year, when my house maid requests to return home for Christmas. I jolted out of bed, and straight to the bathroom. I soon grabbed my camera and started on the journey to the "Low Cost Carriage Terminal" My father dislikes going there for a few reasons, one: it looks quite like "pudu raya- Malaysia's busiest bus terminal" two, its really along way from home, a journey nigh onto one hour.

When we got home, we hit the sack right yo about 10 or 11, A really nice energy boosting nap.

The glowing street lights in the pitch dark morning.

Curvy lights at 6 in the morning. More red tailgate lights to be seen.

Some random flower in my potted garden.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Sparkling little water droplet taken in super macro. (FL6.55mm, 1/80s, F4.1, ISO 800)

My Grandmother Part 1

The warm stagnated air filled the house on that Saturday, the mobile phone beeped, and as far as I know, my grandmother who is suffering from dementia has to stay over our place for a night. Understanding her current condition, she feels disoriented whenever she goes from someplace to another. She would definitely cause many nerve-racking troubles, and the verdict is: YOUR DAMN DAY IS RUINED. She isn't the cool grandmother which you an hang out with anymore. Having her with you feels like a burden. She has became terribly dependent, that's not a very huge matter. The thing is that she literally does not know what she is doing, and sometimes might think back to the early 70s, when my grandpa was still alive. From sane to insane, she might bathe 6 or 7 times a day, or even hoard whatever she thinks is hers but isn't, and even hide your car key somewhere and deny being guilty. And expecting her to have good memory at this stage, that's likely impossible. At this moment she asks you something, seconds later, she pesters you again. This affair goes on and on until you disappear from her sight, it goes on like a record which repeats the last bit of the last song over and over again until you stop the machine.

If only time could rotate anticlockwise to the past. My grandma was a very brave person, not afraid of any threats nor rats. She was active in the stock markets, good in cooking, and nourishing nine children with great sense of responsibility. She never uttered a single complaint taking care of that many kids. She had six daughters and three sons. All of them were different in every way. Some were hot-tempered, some were irresponsible, some were nice, and some washed their bloody hands too clean that they gave all sort of reasons for not looking after my demented grandmother.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


08's School Diary. Simple but surprisingly interesting.

09's Diary. Horrible background with little or no sense of art.

Click on the picture for the large view of it.
My Creation. Most vivid in color all these years.

Well, well, I was not really expecting mine to be chosen, but the hard work paid off anyway. The HM is satisfied with my cover design, and I really do hope that this cover will boost the sales next year.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hey, My Blog loads fast!

3.780 seconds. Should I consider that as fast?

BIG Bad Wolf Book Sale

The hunched wolf of books. Hee hee hee... (howls)....

One Saturday after an Indian lunch at Section 19, my mother and I went to Amcorp Mall to check on this book sale. My dad was busy with other matters, as well as his weekly errands. Indeed, the books were cheap, and most of the books were not old yellow paged books like in some book sale. Even though we had to queue up upon entering, and the queue was really long, it was still worth while going there. There were many good interesting books sold there, and most of them cost about 8 bucks a book. And if compared to the original price, that's 80% discount!  After selecting a box full of books,  the bill came to only a hundred over dollars.  

The box of books now in an slanted Indian file

At least I could indulge myself in them during the holidays.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rich Naughty Woods

Nice smile, tiger. You've got to teach me that trick too!

December 05, 2009 07:00am
TIGER Woods is reportedly throwing money at the women in his life in a desperate bid to keep his public image intact.
The billionaire golfer has reportedly paid $US5 million ($A5.4 million) to his wife Elin Nordegren to keep her from walking out and another six figure-sum to one of his alleged mistresses to keep her from spilling details of their six-month affair.

Woods is in damage control after a car accident outside his Florida mansion last Saturday exposed his string of extra-marital affairs dating back to at least April, 2007.

Rachel Uchitel, the New York nightclub hostess who stayed at Woods' hotel during the Australian Masters, spoke to Woods just hours before she was expected to lift the lid on their relationship.

Celebrity website TMZ reported that they had been in direct contact by phone before she decided to cancel a press conference during which her lawyer planned to discuss her "relationship" with the champion golfer.

The pair have been romantically linked, although Uchitel denies having an affair. Her lawyer, Gloria Allred, would not confirm reports Woods had bought her silence for $US1 million.

Woods has been linked to three women, all nightclub workers or guests, and has admitted to "transgressions".

His liaisons reportedly sparked a fight at 2.30am on the morning after Thanksgiving, which led to him crashing his car outside the Woods family mansion in Florida.

It has emerged Woods' and Nordegren's parents were at the home that night. Neighbour Kimberly Harris told police Woods' mother-in-law Barbro Holmberg and mother Kultida and were at the crash scene.

"The cops came . . . the Windermere cops came first (and) then the security guards came," Ms Harris said.

"And then it appears Mr Woods' mum and Tiger's wife's mum came out after the fact.

"I don't know if they heard the commotion, I don't (know) if she, his wife, left and came back.

"But they walked across the grass and were outside as well."

Reports in the US suggest the Woods' prenup is being renegotiated to deliver his wife of five years Elin a bigger cut if they divorce.

Website The Daily Beast quoted a lawyer close to the negotiations as saying Elin had been offered $US5 million to stay. She would get $US55 million if they split - more than double the $US20 million of the original prenup.

Yesterday, one of Woods' secret lovers tried to distance herself from the scandal.

Awh, that's so lovely. Hey! Ellin, you got scammed! Tigers are unpredictable and lustful.

Rachel Uchite has really big boobs. Is that natural or is it just silicon? 

 and the other is Jaimee Grubbs. 

Picture from:
At first my mother thought that her name was Jaimee Grubby.  my point of view:  Indeed, she looks a little grubby

Friday, December 4, 2009

Baking Powder? Buttermilk? What?

Every time i look at this cream puff picture, I feel like drooling.
But when I ate a few from Breadstory, I started feeling unwell.
So I told my mom: Mom, we should make our own next week.

And today, I did some baking too.
My mother and I made some low fat banana carrot cupcakes and it turned out to be lip-smacking. And here's a picture of it, straight from the oven.
That's tea for today.

Look, I've got a new hairdo!! Muffins nowadays even have mohawk hairstyles.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Earth is in this Situation.

Well, well, I do think that Earth is really going to be that hot in a few decades. Come on people, turn off that damn oven, stop all that pollution and try reducing the amount of non-recyclable plastics, and off course, not switching on your computer for just a day reduces your carbon footprint too.

Remember, the Earth's situation is dependent on you.

Best of Luck in reducing your carbon footprint,

Friday, November 6, 2009

Exams are over

Relax that extremely tired pair of hands,
Enjoy the caressing breeze,
Shut that pair of eyes,
and rest your imaginative head.

The thing I hate most about Playfish games

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The abit too early Merdeka Celebration

Wow, it was an outrageous Thursday. After eating some mediocre, meatless food, the bell rang. Guess what. Before recess, Pn. Lee wor her mask, she looked really wierd. It was like the mask covered two third of her face. So, it is like:

Anyways, the mask they sold us at school was actually DOUBLE the price. It was so called 40cents at cost price, but its retail price is only 20 centrs per mask as stated in the newspaper. WE GOT SCAMMED! When Datin went up the stage, spoke at a slow tempo like no body's business, I ALMOST fell asleep. Then, there came the abruptly acted sketch done by the morning session ers. And there was this Indiano, singing at a terribly high pitch. Ouch!! My Ears!
(Drum rolls)......................

Then, here came the famous five. Here goes Kar Mun, I- Ern, Rayshell, Naidy and Wei Ann. I-Ern stroked the bow up and down like a violinist that qualifies to be in an orchestra. GOOD JOB iron. The school's PA system screwed up again. The microphone that was placed in the piano was extremely loud at the back, while at the front, the singing was loud. Didn't see Naidy with his 15k guitar after all.

The celebration ended with a cake cutting ceremony and more ear piercing scoldings and screams from Pn. Cheng. Ah, i was also temporarily deafened by Sam's extremely loud claps.


Do you think that is possible?

Monday, June 8, 2009


I just got back from Penang, and I know that my blog is not a living thing, so it is dead. Well, the exams were over, but there is a little tinge of worries about the outcome of the exams. Anyway, it all started like this. The holiday was getting more and more boring day by day, and somehow, it got exciting again. 

Day1, Friday
We shot off for the highways in the morning. Lucky us there were not any spped traps, nor there were any bad traffic jams. At 12 plus, we went to Swatow Lane's New World Park Hawker Centre. We had curry mee, or chian (fried oysters), chee cheong fun(the springy springy rolled up one), and 'or kuih' (yam cake). The curried mee had quite a satisfying amount of ingredients in it (eg: cuttlefish, pig's blood, prawns and a few other things). Then, as usual lo... go Nagor Rd visit my uncle and Aunty in their restaurant. At 2 plus, we checked in Evergreen. Then, we walked to Gurney Plaza and window shopped as well as shopped for 4 hours. Legs damn tired wei. There was this "Switch"fare, selling apple stuff. Impressing apple. After that we had dinner with my uncle. Watched tv, and went back to the hotel. The hotel carpet was green, even the curtains were light green, that's why it's Evergreen.

To be continued. lazy to type d

Tagged By Yu-"H"Jun

There's no first question which means i have to do less of the tag :D

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Groggy? Well, I have 2 alarms, but I couldn't be bothered to wake up.

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with?
My parents?

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
How's your standard of considering some one as spoilt?

5. Will you ever donate blood ?
No, if I don't have to. Later those leeches use dirty needle ah......

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Honestly, everyone is just at the same ranking in my friend list. Well, you could consider God as my best friend. =)

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
Haha.........Mahathir Mohammad

8. What does your last text message say?
Yu-Jun: Don't you get what is noon till evening?

9. What are you thinking right now?
Thinking of somebody.

10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
Maybe not.

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
Somewhere in Subang Parade.

13. Is someone on your mind right now?
That's for you to find out

14. Who was the last person(s) who text you?
Yu- Jun

Taggy here, taggy there, now wake up before you get splashed.
1. Hui Wei
2. Timothy Yeo
3. Koh I-Ern
4. Nicole
5. Yan Er
6. Jamie
7. Yu-Jun
8. James Broke "I think i left out an 'o' on purpose"
9. Adam Lambert
10. Kay-Li

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
The plump girl named ameezra, amedaERSra (give up lah. No idea how to spell her name.)

16. Is no.3 a male or a female?

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
Possible. But Yu-Jun will be feeling left out by the other targets.

18. What is no.1 studying about?
I don't know. If the No.17 statement was correct, then I'll say that no. 1 is studying about Yu-Jun. =]

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
I hate messenger.

20.Is no.4 single?
According to miss satay, she's with jitty.

21. Say something about no.2.
He's obsessed with i-phones

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
Oooh, lets go pardy!!

23. Describe no.9.
He is a gigolo.

24. What will you do if no.6 n no.7 fight?
That wouldn't possibly happen. Yu-Jun will rise his white flag before the land lady even sees him. Well, or maybe yu jun will cry because he'd cried badly when no.6's blog was dead.

25. Do you like 8?
Not really. That white critisized th chinese as ugly people. Well, that's why Charles Brooke looked so old.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kuala Terengganu

                      Casuarina Durian
China Town
         The sexy beach
The special lamp

Just got back today. Well, nobody swam in the sea as the wind and water current is very strong. The deluxe rooms we stayed which are facing the sea was getting closer to the sea year by year, caused by erosion. The whole night, the only thing you can hear is the water hitting the beach and the boulders, and guess what, Pulau Bidong was just opposite our rooms. Pulau Bidong, one of the scenic and uninhabited islands off located off Kuala Terengganu, is often remembered as the temporary home of the Vietnamese boat people who fled their war-torn country in the 1970s. Out of the estimated 800,000 Vietnamese who left their country during this period, the biggest proportion, more than a quarter of a million, landed on our shores. Yes, this is the famous island portrayed in the controversial movie Turtle Beach (starring Joan Chen) but no, none of the refugees were murdered by the local fishermen. The UNHCR and International Red Cross was on hand to protect the safety of the refugees, then gazetted as a protected area by the Malaysian government. We were wondering if the waves were strong enough, the next morning, we'd be floating next to Pulau Bidong.

The people there were mostly Malays, well, couldn't do much about that. The roads there had no drainage system, so, when it rains, the water will flow to the inner land, get stuck there, and POOFF! Stagnant water. The beach was not very clean, the sand was mixed up with other types of gravel. There were Casuarina trees there, their acorns looked like tiny durians, so cute and brown. The sea water there is very "alive", as what the people there said.

And on Mayday, also Labour's Day, we went for a stroll by the beach. And to my horror, there was a chicken head on a short tree stick, and there was another piece of meat a few metres away.the room I suspected that the two Malays were trying to attract the crabs. But this certainly isn't the right way to catch them. It will slowly pollute the beach. You can call them anything you like, as it was one stupid yet ridiculous way. And the food, they were all halal. Well,the first night we had a pizza, fried rice with keropok lekor, satay and hot spicy paddy chilli sauce, and a plate of fruit rojak, also spicy. The resort was a nice place to hang out, but the rooms were poorly maintained, as the old owner of the resort made the room rates so low that all the lower class people starts coming in. The workers there were INEFFICIENT. One word would explain everything. They only cleared the rooms at about 1.30 pm. And the bathroom was not very the clean. The shower cubical was so small that I kept on knocking the glass doors. There were a few stains here and there, and the room looked so dark. One of the lamp was bulbless, so I had to depend on only 3 dim lights. The lamp shade was made out of rattan, so it blocked like 50% of the light. Instead, I inverted the lamp shade and the room was more like a room. 

I stayed in a room alone while my parents stayed in another room. Well, each room only has two beds. The next day, my dad's friend chit-catted with us. Later in the afternoon, we went to town in my dad's friend's car. It was a company car, a Perdana Executive. The leg space at the back was awesome, it was so DAMN BIG. It's kind of like a limousine, and I still remember those old Proton Saga limousines, there were like elongated in length and some were even like broken into half and joint back again, adding some extra black material there. Anyway, the car's acceleration was not all that good. Even though there were only four of us, the car moved as if each of us were a tonne. In fact, we got a free lift. If we were to follow the taxi to town, it would cost 120 ringgit to and fro. Pretty expensive, and in China Town, we ate and visited some shops. One of the shops there sold antics. The old charcoal iron was for sale too. But we did not buy anything, afraid that those things maybe replicas.

Later, we went to a coffee shop, where it was famous for it's iced-drinks. It's kind of like Slurpee, but this is real fruit, so nice and refreshing. We even had some dim sum and a pot of claypot chicken rice. The dim sum was not really good, the Char Siew Pau was filled with so much fats in it. And the Lo Mai Kai was sweet, compared to its original taste, well, maybe that's the Terengganu style.

The keropok Lekor in Terengganu was supposedly better than the ones in Kelantan. The Terengganu one has more fish meat in it, whereas Kelantan's contains more flour. Then we went to this Taman Tamadun Islam, there are actually the replicas of mosques around the world. There were only like one Chinese family there other than us, well, my father's friend said the place is actuallt one of the nicest place in Terengganu. We even visited the place where the Monsun Cup was held, near the river mouth. At night, we had barbaque buffet, also known as "Pasar Malam Night". I have no idea why there called it that way. Anyway, I ate till I was bloated. All the prawns, fish, cetera. Uncle Sreward (hope I spelled his name correctly) came by after that. He is a hotelian. He is one of the person in charged of the place. He is new, as his company just bought over that place.I think he's quite an interesting guy. He drank tea with honey with my dad. At 5:57 am, I woke up, earlier than my phone alarm. Good biological clock. =]. It was so freaking cold, I shivered in a warm bath. That night, it rained, and the sound of the sea distured my sleep. At the airport, I was still shivering, like some tiger in North Pole. I didn't t7akebreakfast. And when I reached back home, with was hours from the time I wrote this post, I was dizzy, feeling a bit weird. We flew in firefly, a small little cute shiny firefly. Haha. The plane was new, the seats were like leather. And it is one of the safest plane on Earth. It has this ability to glide on water, not like other jet powered planes, there would just sink like a rock. Simple yet fun holiday.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tagged. =]

1)The person who tagg you is: Natalie
2)Your relastionship with him/her is: Peanuts! =]
3)Your first impression of him/her is : Weirdness
4) The most memorable moments with them: Nothing
5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is: Haha
6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will... : run to Paris.
7) If he/she became your lover, what should he/she improve at: Well, it would never happen as I would run to the top of the Eiffel Tower. XD
8) If he/she becomes yr enemy, what would you do: Become her enemy too. Muahahaha
9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be: she ruined the efeel Tower
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: I don't know. Don't ask me such silly questions.
11) Your overall impression on him/her: Hmmm.... It could be something insulting, so I'm keeping my mouth shut. 
12) The characteristic you love most about yourself: Urhm. that im so noisy im amusing? O.O
13) The characteristic you hate most about yourself: Being a smart ass.
14) The most ideal person you want to be is: OO.oo Lyndon Low
15) For people who care and like you, say something to them: Polly want a cracker?

Pass this quiz to 10 ppl who you want to know how they feel about you.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A prayer

"Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread" - Trust! God will provide for our needs. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He cares for me. 

"Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors" -- Forgiveness = Surrender. Don't carry your own backpack - surrender it to Him. Revealing the feeling is the beginning of healing. Act as if you have forgiven and the feeling will follow. In our weakness, God sends His strength and peace. 

"Lead Us Not Into Temptation" - Watch for unrecognized temptation. Pray, so you won't fall. We are tempted every day. It deepens our walk and strengthens our faith - but be careful of spiritual blindness. Open my eyes, Lord, to my blind spots - use honest friends and family. 

"Deliver Us From Evil" -- The Evil One, Satan. We are saved from death to life. Jesus is more powerful than Satan - God is greater! 


Friday, April 10, 2009


Fabulous Name Tag

French Fries

My History

The Belgians are noted for claiming that French fries, although the name would point

 elsewhere, are actually Belgian in origin. However, there has not been any definite evidence presented to prove this outright. Whether or not they were created in this small European country, they quickly became the national dish of Belgium; making the Belgians at least the

 symbolic creator of the “French Fry”. They are also Europe’s heaviest consumers of the fried dish. Their origin story of the French fry goes something like this: according to one Belgian historian, French fries got their start in Belgium in the 1680’s when some poor inhabitants of

 the Meuse valley in Belgium, who had become accustomed to frying small fish as an

 accompaniment to their meals, had decided to cut potatoes length ways and fried them in oil when the river nearby had frozen over and they had no access to fish. There are also origin stories which point to France, England, and even Spain (the first European country to discover

 the potato) but Belgium’s claim has been accepted more over worldwide. Even the French give them credit.

No matter where they were first cooked, the art of frying potatoes has been passed on to our generation. When it comes to preparing and cooking French fries some home cooks who prepare them from scratch cook them only a single time in a generous amount of pre-heated oil at a temperature of around 375 degrees F until they are golden and have a nice crisp to them. They will taste good like this and this frying method usually does not take much longer than a minute. However, the method that seems to be recommended by most cook books and also perfected by restaurants with the “best fries” seems to involve two stages of cooking. First the potatoes are to be fried at a temperature of around 350 degrees F until the fries are nearly cooked but yet they still are somewhat limp and pale. This stage is used to soften the potatoes and to thoroughly cook the inside the potato but it does not brown them. The second stage involves removing the fries from the oil, allowing them to cool, and then at a temperature of 375 degrees F they are cooked again until they are crisp and golden brown. This usually takes not much longer than a minute and gives you the best tasting fries possible. The very best oil for making French fries seems to be fresh peanut oil (for healthy reasons). In terms of taste great, rendered beef suet can not be beaten. The best potatoes for making French fries seem to be baking or russet potatoes.

I didn't know that french fries were originated from Belgium, I thought they only manufacture great toothsome chocolate. I wonder whether Pn. Lee has been there before, meeting her long lost ancestors. Potatoes seem to be unfamous now, all those health hazards, all those saturated fat and oil in it, I wonder whether a person's artery will get clogged up if the person eats them everyday. Timothy says that after potato destoryed his garden, his garden would only grow potatoes, nothing else, but potatoes. Lol. 


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reply poem on behalf of POTATO

Timothy, Timothy I know I stink,

but what can I do?
I'm ugly and wrinlky,
but I can't help it.

I know my teaching is bad,
soft voices echoed at the back, 
you can't hear me but I don't care,
because I'm just one miserable potato.

I know you hate me, 
but I don't care, 
because I'm just a potato, 
feelingless yet meaningless.

I know I'm bitter, 
unlike my cousin tomato,
she's sour but sweet, 
I'm bitter but pain.

Somebody dug me out of the ground, 
He peeled by clothes, 
dipped me in hot oil, 
that's the Belgians.

He brought me around the world, 
potato chips pipping hot,
after years I became unfamous,
being oily and bad.

I'm just a potato, 
teaching potatoes,
eating potatoes,
munching tomatoes.

Mr. Potato married me, 
but he divorced me,
because I ripped his garden, 
and poured drain water on them.

I'm  now unfamous, 
being hated by people,
but what can I do?
I'm just a potato.

A bG production.

Writing A Poem A Day, Keeps the Potato Away.

*God, I feel really bad writing such poems, but I can't help it. Please forgive this terrible yet horrible me.

A poem written on behalf of bG

Pork belly is fatty,

sauce poured over it with much aroma,
With much fats in it, 
so does cik norlizaa.

The skies were clear then, 
but its black now.
How did this happen?
Oh, pork belly's fart made it black!

The balsams in my garden are beautiful,
When pork belly invaded my garden, 
every single plant wilted and died, 
So does my beautiful day.

It rained oil and my garden burst into flames, 
The Sun cooked my flowers in oil,
Her insults made me furious, 
Her scoldings made me crazy.

My mood was good, 
But now it's bad, 
Like unfrozen pork belly,
Turns smelly after days.

I cooked the pork belly but it still stinked, 
with much sauce and oil over it
My heart shattered when her foul mouth opened,
after explaining useless explainations.

A true bG production.

Take off an "a" from the name.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

St John

The annual St. John exam has ended. The officers this year looked a little scary, the officer in charge of Choking and CPR was like Dr Hyde and Dr Jekyll, a crude man with words like "stupid", "hurry up la! Don't WASTE my time!", "you fail la" etcetera.  On the other side, he was like a man from a joke book, filled with some fun in him. Theory was not easy. I passed the choking part, transportation , fracture and bandaging. Just unsure whether I did well for theory. I hope I do. 

Just scribbling things when my head is empty. =]

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Loads of projects

Well, as usual. Hi again. There are so many things happening around me. This, that, and this again, and that again, that one and these. Civics project, still pending, Sejarah project, 20% done. I know Im slow, and that's the fact. JUST SLOW! Nevermind, there's still loads and loads of work to be done. The moon sees me at night and after hours, it dissapears. Time flies. It's kind of wasting time blogging, but still, it has to be updated. In school today, I had an agreement with Qi Hong. I promise I'll never say a ird about Kar Yee in front of him and he'll do the same thing. The schol field is getting smaller. Those nature haters just couldn't be bothered to stop building buildings. What's the use of making the grass patch smaller and smaller when the school's population is decreasing? That patch of green grass will be covered by huge cabins, and recently, they made a sheltered walk way from Block F to the canteen. They use recycled materials, exactly the same design, same colour, same rust stains on the poles, same old grey dirty roof tiles, same old green poles. Why can't they just paint the poles with a new coat of paint? I think the poles want some new shirts on too. 

That's all la. Nothing much to say now. I feel stressed. =S 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It quite some time I abandoned my blog, and now I shall start posting again. Last Saturday, I had dinner at Pangkor Seafood, first time going there even though its not very far away.Yes, it was 7.10 pm when we reached there and waited for approximately 40 minutes. And the food came after that. In the mean time, I was observing the surroundings, and there was a young couple, sitting there puffing off like damn chimneys. I guess their lungs will be this black mann...

Another table was another even younger couple, there was this girl who looked so spoiled and pampered. She was talking to her boyfriend and out of the blue, she took her fork and spoon and hit it against the table. well, maybe she is a drummer and maybe she thinks that the fork and spoon waas the drum stick whislt the table was the drum. Fascinating huh. I would not have expected such a thing to happen, only thinking kids will only do that. Ah, there table in front of me, there were 7 people there. 2 kids, their parents, and guess what the other 3 was? They were maids. Isn't it a little to much having only 2 kids and 3 maids?

By the way, went nearby for dinner because my dad was a "ball"aholic and he wanted to watch the Man Utd- Liverpool match. Unfortunately, Man Utd dissapointed many of their worthy fans. It was like Malaysian football-horrible. Man Utd was trashed by Liverpool with a score of 1-4. Somemore those bunch of useless footballers was playing in their homeground and yet still lose.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Delicious =D

I had it for lunch today. Tasted awesome. We had this bottle of chinese red wine, and I'm sure there's some alcohol in it. Fortunately, I did not get drowsy in school, in fact, some one really got into my nerves. Nae... forget about that. Sesame matters.

Ah.........scent of aromatic wine in stock

I think it's called 'ang jiew mee sua' in hokkien. Arrghh......I don't have any ideas on what to write.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chinese New Year

The oxpicious year, 2009. What a year. This Chinese New Year, some things don't turn out as usual. My brother who is in the midst of studying could not join us. Things seem different yet quiet. On the Eve, we had reunion dinner at my grandfather's place. My aunt cooked from the wee hours of the morning till evening. Well, dishes turned out nice. There was a roasted duck, a little overdone, because my aunt refried the duck after buying it. So it looked a bit dark on the outside. After that heavy meal, as usual, the smaller cousins will be pestering their parents, granting permission to play some fire crackers. There's one called POP! POP!, which looked something like:

Once again the POP POP war begins, throwing them at each other's leg. It hurts when the thing POPs. Dodged some of those attacks. What's more, my elder cousin even lit up fireworks. Those that fly up high in the sky. But unfortunately, the fireworks were a little too old, It does not even shoot up, just some sparks flying up. It looked like a sick cat. Lots of cookies not to be forgotten too. Jam tarts, kuih "kapet" (love letters), kuih "bangkit" (the white color one with a red dot), peanuts, and more not mentioned in here were mouth-watering. Some are so good that they even melt in your mouth, like an ice cube being heated up.

One the first day of CNY, we ate "mee sua" for breakfast in hot soup. I think that symbolizes longevity.

And so on................. (I don't particularly remember everything)

Visiting relatives on the days after that. Eating and gulping down food even more than Cookie Monster made me feel bloated all the time. In fact, to give the stomach some respect, I ate less these few days. Oh yea, when all my relatives from my father's side came to my house, it was amazing to see so many pairs of footwear outside the door. I missed the opportunity to take a snap of that outrageous amount of slippers and shoes there.

By the way, this morning, I had light lunch and some ginger tea. Went to a friend's house of dad and they were talking about the Indon maid who acted stupid and even killed their animals and let a bird fly out of it's cage. This, that, and this and that and bla bla bla.....

That should do for now. School is reopening tomorrow, and I'm looking towards it. My mum and I even kept some cookies in a container and freeze it as when my brother comes back, he will able to savour those delicacies. When I was receiving a red packet from someone, she even asked me something like this.

Do you tax(I heard it as text) your brother?
Not that, I mean T-A-X.
Oh...... no, I don't. (I could if I want to.)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Silly things

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Whole lot of bimbos

It's the 5th day after resigning from prefect position. I am as happy as a lark, having simplified life. Rather than having to look after one place, like some unpaid guard. Guess what....? There was an announcement which asked me and some other people to go to the office. Well, first time stepping in the head mistress's room. It was not air-conditioned, but the fan was on, spinning as fast as 30 km/h........maybe not.

Then she asked: kenapa kamu semua quit prefect? What if I change the time to 12:30, can ah? Why you all say that being a prefect would make you unable to get great grades? So Nerd, tak baguslah.
She asked me something that I could not exactly remember.
I said: Hmm..... think about it first.
She said: Why? transportation ah?
I said: Yes.
She said: Who fetch you to school?
I said: My transporter.
She said: Car pool izzit? Got fetch other people also ah?
I said: Yes.
She said: Where you stay?
I said: _ (somewhere)_ .
She said: Dekat sahaja.... What time you come?
I said: Uncertain. Sometimes 12:30, sometime later.
She said: I want you all to be prefect now, because we want to train you to be leaders. If you so nerd, pandai je, tak menjadi pengawas, rugi lah. You see all the smart people, if they are not leaders, they can only be lectures......
I was thinking: Walau... The school like lacking of prefects. Trying to get back our position to help the school again? How now?
She said: So how? The time tukar kpd 12:30 or later. Can ah?
I said: I'll think abt it first.

Then she asked Sam something.
Sam: Not sure. Ask my parents first.
She said: Why ask your parents? Your parents are not going to be prefects. You have to convince your parents to let you be one. Tell them that you want to be leaders, and also study hard at the same time. Bla........Bla.........bla..................

My bimbo-ness caused me to say thank you to her.

Then we walked out. Forgot what happened after that.

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