Wednesday, December 31, 2008



January- It was the second time stepping in SMK DJ. The first time i went inside there, it was for a piano theory exam. I used to dislike the tables and chairs, and I still do. In fact, the tables looks like an enlarged stool.
By the way, DJ, here I come.

Chinese New Year.I couldn't remember part of it. But of course I do remember the yee sang.

My birthday. Anyway, I'm not telling you the actual date. Small and tiny...... quite cool.

The road party. The DAP guys had this party. There was two roasted lambs too..... It tasted great with peppermint sauce.

cool huh...

Spoilt for choice.....

Owh no..... Exams were pretty soon. First term exams............
Does anybody love Exams?
I guess not.

The Papers

March- Nothing much happened in this month. Frankly, I could not remember any occasions in March. Maybe just freaking out.. waiting for the results..

April- Yes.... sports day. On the 27th. We were practising hard every week during house practice. Unggul, Go!

Yes, and of course, the Jog-a-thon.

And also, Mr Tysern's Farewell party.

May- Exams again....... Mid Year this time. (Mayday!!!!)

16th May- Teacher's Day
Nothing Much this month.
June- Drawing and painting art works. They all looked fabulous to me.
Nothing Much, just plain school life.

July- I don't even have a single idea on what is happening.

August- National Day on the 31st Aug. I remember holding small little flags in the school hall, having a little 51 celebration. But i remember during that time, it was like a sardine can in the hall, hot and stuffy.

September- I went up to the stage to receive my awards. I got the first for my Geography map, I was the only solo team there. And the third for the national day drawing competition.

October- Went to Kuala Selangor for a fill trip. Only a few chosen people went. It was fun.

Yes, the one and only mud facial treatment. Could not resist to wash the thing off immediately.

In the swamps... Shoes ere all filled with mud and dirt.

Exams- Final term
I was very worried, heart pounding faster and faster every second.
At last, OVER.

November- Had a farewell party. Very sad and precious moments.

December- Christmas!
I decorated a with washed wall with snow flakes and candy canes.

30th- Got to know our Form 2 classes. The school did not stream line us according to our result, as a not top ten pupil is able to go to Angsana, and I got to Batai. The only thing I hope is that I have better teachers than the others. Everything was scrambled up like mixed rice- 杂饭 .

Count down to 2009.
That's sad. It's the end of 2008.
3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

blue to green

About a week a go, my mother brought me to the bookshop in school to buy the form 2 books. Excluding the textbooks, the other books managed to make a two feet tall pile.

Yes, this tall

And they changed the buku nota 's colour to green instead of blue. Weird huh.... There are so many other colours on Earth, and personally, I hate green. Maybe they think that changing the colours could spice up our work...? But at least we don't have to face blue everyday. Anyway, this made me think of the universal indicator, changing form blue to green.

Greenish note books.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Knife sharpener?

Oh, it was Christmas afternoon, when an old guy riding his old bicycle, cycling around the neighborhood, shouting 'mo dou....' in Cantonese. Well, it's the first time I'm hearing that. Surprising isn't it. Since he was there, and my mother wanted to sharpen a old knife, she let him in the driveway and started his job. He sharpened one big knife for 8 dollars, which was quite worth it, because he spent about 35 minutes sharpening the knife non stop. He sat on his wooden stool, placed a hand-pedalled sharpener. He even got rid of the rust from it, and that was why my mother did not used it for some time. In the newspapers, there was an article about this guy in Ipoh, who sharpened knives for people. People queued up just to let him sharpen their knives. Actually, the old man who went around my place, was as professional as him. And he comes to your house, instead of you going to queue up. It was something special and unexpected that Christmas afternoon. Oh..... about Christmas, I had "nasi lemak' for breakfast at Lake Club and a few sandwiches for breakfast with my family. That evening, we went to my uncle's house to visit him and had lunch with his family.

p/s: the picture was found from the net. It looks something like that, but it isn't the guy who came to my house.

May this blessed Christmas, filled with joy bring happiness to everyone.

Happy New Year anyway.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


There is nothing much to be done this holiday. That's what I call a 12th degree boredom. What's more frustrating is that there is some one, who is acting like some jack ass (some one who is nameless.) Damn sien mann... Whole day pester people with annoying stuff. What ever la. Forget about that. (It's not worth it apologizing to that kind of stubborn, Rock-hearted person.) Wasting effort and time. Off my mind. Christmas is coming really soon, well, something exciting awaits me. Time really do fly.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Oil Prices down tomorrow

Petrol and diesel prices will be reduced by another 10 sen per litre effective tomorrow, the government announced today.

According to Bernama, the price of RON97 petrol will be reduced from RM1.90 per litre to RM1.80, while the cost of RON92 will drop from RM1.80 per litre to RM1.70.

Diesel price will drop to RM1.70 per litre from RM1.80.

This is the seventh time the price of petrol and diesel has come down since August.

With effect from the same date (Dec 16), subsidies for petrol and diesel for fishermen will be reduced to 13 sen per litre from RM1.43 to RM1.30.


It's Christmas Time Again
(by Bob Lazzar-Atwood)

Put your problems on probation
Run your troubles off the track,
Throw your worries out the window
Get the monkeys off your back.
Silence all your inner critics
With your conscience make amends,
And allow yourself some happiness
It's Christmas time again!

Call a truce with those who bother you
Let all the fighting cease,
Give your differences a breather
And declare a time of peace,
Don't let angry feelings taint
The precious time you have to spend,
And allow yourself some happiness
It's Christmas time again!

Like some cool refreshing water
Or a gentle summer breeze,
Like a fresh bouquet of flowers,
Or the smell of autumn leaves,
It's a banquet for the spirit
Filled with family, food and friends,
So allow yourself some happiness
It's Christmas time again!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hillslope development.

Too Steep la!
People are really fed up with the recurring landslide tragedies and the subsequent blame game by politicians. They are accusing one another to seek whose responsibility was it. Frankly speaking, that's the best part of what the Malaysian government can do. Residents are furious over new development in Medan Damansara, and from what I could see is the hill slope gradient is far to steep. The building project by Selangor Dreding Berhad Properties are building 21 luxury bungalows costing 10 to 15 million each. But, redsidents protested and they had to bring the construction job to a halt. Currently, in the press, SDB is doing land stabilization to that hill slope. Impossible
it will work. I think a primary school kid would even say building houses there, Impossible.

And, about the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide incident, this hopeless Ahmad Shabery Cheek even state that it's not right to hold the government solely responsible for that disaster. I think it does not workthat way. In the first place, who approved the building of houses there? MPAJ. People involved, Khir toyo. Yes. They pocket in the most money, and they should be declared as the most corrupted city council. Yes, Mahathir's crony. And, a total of 99 hillside projects had been approved by the Selangor government under then menteri besar Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo, Parliament was told.
That's a picture of Khir Toyo. Corrupted chump of Mahathir.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A friend

I have a friend,
she is my ex-classmate,
she does not know how to thank people,
does not appreciate what others have done.

One day, I changed the class's blog theme,
even though it looked like something new,
she disagreed without any manners,
I got pissed off.

Maybe dia punya bapa tak ajar,
mungkin dia punya mak tak ajar,
mungkin dia sendiri pun tak tau,
Saya mana tau\?

Then she has a sidekick,
support every word she says,
even though it is totally incorrect,
and she even say Hainanese people are part of the Hokkien ethnic.
Is she trying to say that Indians and Chinese are also under the Malay ethnic?

She is arrogant,
just because she is filthy rich,
but I don't care,
I just know she has gold in her mouth.

She thinks she is so holly,
think that she is the only one to worship God,
in Christianity, there is such a thing as forgiving,
and she say Jesus in the most important person to her.

But I don't even give a damn,
I think dia bo ka si,
insult people and discriminate people,
like out of no body's world.

She think she so lan si,
look down at people,
say thank you also don't want,
never bother about others.

I sms dia,
reply pun tak ada,
lagi cakap dia sms saya hanya wasting money,
orang kaya,
ada handphone bagus,
tapi sepuluh sen pun tak boleh guna.

Tapi dia tipu saya dia punya phone ada pada bapanya,
siapa percaya?
Tak mungkin bapanya tak ada phone sendiri.
Tak apa, tipu saya seorang, tapi Tuhan you tak dapat tipu.

Tak apalah,
tipu sajalah,
tipu sampai bila,
saya tak peduli.

You made a friend like me into some trash,
just because you think I'm a fool,
doesn't mean I'm one.

Just because you are rich,
it doesn't mean you are appreciative, good and holly.
What ever you say to me from now onwards,
I treat that as a LIE,
until God tells me the truth.

Terms and Condition
1.The person's name is mot stated, so, you have no rights to take any libel accusation on me.
2.You judge "the person" yourself.
3.I wrote this when I was in flames, so, it is supposed to be something like that.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oil prices

About the oil price hike in the middle of the year, everyone seemed agitated. And now, since the world's economy has gone into recession, the world's oil price has even got to the lowest. Currently, A barrel of oil is about less than 50 US Dollars, and when it was about 100 USD per barrel, the Malaysian government sold petrol to the citizens at RM1.90. Soon, it increased suddenly to RM 2.70. People were wondering, how does the PM runs the country? Currently, at the 50 USD per barrel price, the malaysian oil price it still on the high site, and the government is making 16 million out of the sale of petrol per day from the oil windfall. What are they going to do with that big sum of profit? Pocketing it into their own pockets?


Well, it had been a boring yet random holiday for me. Instead, here are some photos taken at random. I am trying to escape from boredom. LOL.

Do you know what that is? Of course, it's a pig's eye. We were surprised to see such a wonderful experiment.

Remember the horrible lunch we had at the CIDB convention centre? Have a good look at the miserable lunch we had.

I was to lazy to open the cover of the trash can. Instead, I left the three cans to idle on top of it.

So Japanese. Nice cup of green tea anyway.

Delicious California rolls. It makes me drool even by looking at it.

Sushi!! All covered with fish roe.

I decorated those hard-boiled eggs for fun.

Yellow roses left on the carpet.


Sunday, November 23, 2008


I was as busy as a bumble bee today. I woke up in the morning, ate some cereal, watched my morning TV shows. I finished all the cereal as i there wasn't much left. But, I was unsatisfied. The cereal was like just a starter of the whole new day. Soon, I decided to make my own bed, clean up my room. Shortly after that, my mother came back from the market. She bought some cakes and some Malaysian delicacies. I chomped down food like an elephant while reading the Sunday paper's comic. The weather was pretty fair today. It didn't rain for the whole afternoon, that was very pleasant. The laundry were fully dried, unlike some days, when the rain pours down heavily. I went for swimming after the hot day. I dipped inside the cool pool water, swimming around like a fish in the deep blue sea. The backstroke was not an easy move. Water kept on getting in my nose, giving me a weird feeling. I sneezed like I was out of this world. Somehow, it felt bad.

I folded the laundry, well, you should know why. My maid went back for a month's vacation. Somehow, not sure how, don't know why, my head was throbbing. Arrghhh.... another headache. I felt dizzy, like I was going to fall anytime.

By the way, the past few days, I was got into an argument. I hate to mention the person's name, but, the person should know it himself/herself. That person argued on the smallest matter in the world, as small and minute as a speck on a flower. But, I never want to remember this argument as it will spoil my whole week, month, even my whole holiday!........ Regret knowing such a unappreciative classmate. I got agitated.

Trying to forget those angry moments, I updated my long lost facebook profile and typed this post.

To that nameless person, I've got something to tell you. If I typed slower than you, all my post would have been shorter than yours. Unfortunately, mine is very much longer. Judge yourself before judging others. And, I don't spend much time typing.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Asean skills excursion-With the worst lunch ever

It was 7:10 in the morning when I woke up.
"Today's a Friday, and I'll be going for a trip."
When I reached school, it was already 7:50 am.
The bus will be leaving soon. The teachers took our attendance, split us up into several groups and it was time to go. About 30 of us when up a old looking bus, and it sped off to the highway. A usual trip to KL will take around 20 minutes. But our bus did not. It took 2 whole hours. The whole story started like this:

We hoped on the bus. The journey went on until the bus stopped somewhere. Some people said that a person had stomach ache, and needed a toilet badly. But I was not aware about that incident, just kept on the chat with my friends. While I shifted the air-conditioner's vent, some dirty debris just fell off the air-cond vent. Oh my, it was disgusting. The condition of the bus made it look like a 20 year-old bus. Soon, it stopped at a construction site, the second time it was stopping. I don't know why, but I suspected the bus driver doesn't know his way there, to the CIDB building in KL, Jalan Chan Sow Lin. The Indian bus driver had a hairy hand, and people were cracking jokes about his hand, which was placed at the gear. Some laughed, some had no reaction. After being in the bus for 2 hours, the bus reached the CIDB building.

The building was newly-built. New black tarmac laid on the roads, giving it a new feel to the place. I wasn't sure what Asean Skills was at the first place, but after checking out the net, I got to know furthur about the whole situation. I thought we had to compete among schools or something like that, but I was wrong. When I steped in, there were many booths, seperated by particians. Oh, there was actually a quiz. But, to summarise the whole story, the quiz was a waste of time.

My stomach was growling of hunger, reminding me about lunch. But, it was only 11 o'clock. I beared the hunger, until lunch time arrived. Alas, the lunch was worse than jail food. They served some crap, which consisted of 3 types of food in segmented containers. The crap was some stinking cabbage, one piece of chicken, and some lumpy rice. Eventhough the trip was sponsered by the school, but everyone was expecting something better. I had no choice but to eat the rice and chicken. Actually, the chicken wasn't that bad.

All my friends ate a little, sat still for a shprt while, wondering whether the food was edible or not. I lefxt the stinking cabbage aside, abandoned it. I guess it was cooked a couple of hours earlier, so the cabbage started to ferment. It tasted like mild vinegar. After a few spoons of "crap", my stomach felt a little pain, but it went off eventually. My tummy must be telling me that the food was horrible.

After that, I bought drinks-a can of iced-lemon-tea. I couldn't resist the taste of eat after the worst lunch I have ever ate. Then, I bought a slice of cake from the little cafe in the convention centre. The strawberry cake tasted horrible too. And what's more? It costed me 5.30 ringgit. I almost chocked as a result of eating some stale cake. The cake was dryer than biscuits. Then, I bought a cuppa coffee. Oh my, it looked so dark brown, I wonder whether that guy knows how to brew aromatic, soothing coffee. But, I did not complain anymore, as I was famished.

Then, I was told that the Lego building making competition was cancelled. What a waste of time. We did nothing for 6 hours there, so "I REGRET coming here."

The last Day of school

Ever since the exams were over, everyone seemed to look so happy. But there is one thing bothering me, it was bothering me. What are my results going to be? Would it be terrible or just great? At last, it was the really end of schooling days for this year. The last day of school, 11-11-08. I was nervous, knowing that we will be told about the marks. And, I got 74% for Chinese at first, but fortunately, the teacher sympathized us and gave us a higher score. I was very gloomy when I got to know the Chinese marks. Tears rolled down my cheeks, knowing that I have not got such a horrible score for Chinese this year. When our Chinese teacher left, it was one of my favourite lessons, Geography! But the Chinese marks spoiled my whole day, making me taste the bitterness of being defeated. Hoho, but I scored the highest for Geography, which was 98! I enjoyed the taste of victory after having a teary 30 minutes. Actually I did not break down into tears, maybe I was, in my deep heart's core. I was happy, delighted, but I could not stop thinking about my Chinese. Larger and bigger question marks pestering me, just couldn't stop figuring why I got those eye-soring marks.

A conversation was started between me and Cik, Phang.

"Why you look so sad? Feeling tired or sad?"
"I got a terrible score for my Chinese."
"Aiya, don't have to be so sad. This is not the end of the world. Maybe this will be for once only."
"I got to go already. Cik Norhafiza will be coming in soon."

It ended.

Well, while I was asking around for other people's marks, (not because I'm nosy, it's because I want to know who got the highest.) one irritating girl (she's a PEST!) added in some irritating words. I was not even talking to her, then she just open her big mouth. I told her off, as I was pissed off. She had nothing to say after that. Served her right.

I was back to my place, trying to cheer myself up. But I failed to do so. I dislike Moral. It made me lose some marks. Alas, I only got 82, and I was expecting for a higher one. It felt stupid, ignorant and useless. My heart shattered into thin pieces, like china falling on to the hard ground.

I walked out of the school gate, without a mood to even greet my friends goodbye. Could I have done better? Or was I just too stupid? I was a sour grape, envying the higher marks of others for Moral. To escape from sadness, I told myself that I did not get the lowest after all, so what's the point being so unhappy?

Well, I guess I have to stick to the saying: 99% perspiration + 1% aspiration = Success.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sleepy head

It was 4. 10 in the morning, I was jolted out of precious sleep when I heard knockings on the door. I was groggy at that time, after 5 hours of sleep, that totally wasn't enough for such a person like me! I knew it was the day I had to do some chores at home as my maid was going back to her country for a couple of months. ......(sighing) I changed and freshened up as quick as lightning, as we had to send our maid to the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) airport. We set off the 50 minutes journey at 4:30 a.m., feeling the morning breeze hitting against me, fortunately, I did not get blown away. The roads were quiet as never seen before, the street lights shone brightly at dawn, leading us to the highways. Soon, the never ending journey started. The lines of lamp posts in front lined up like soldiers, those at the back soon disappeared in thin air. There were very few cars on the road, only big trailers, oil tankers and some big trucks occupying the left lane.

The LCCT is a vibrant place, not as classy as the KLIA, but there were too many people there.. Our maid wanted to fly Air-Asia as her hometown is nearer the airport where these Air-Asia flights land. The condition there made the airport like Puduraya, and you may even bump into anyone anytime. Haphazard. The airport looks a little makeshift, that's why it's called the LCCT. Expansion works are even started to cater the bigger crowd next time.

I slept in the car on the way home like a log. I caught up about an hours sleep. When I got home, what could be better than sleeping? I jumped in bed and slumbered until I woke myself up. Well, I was freezing silently in the car, and when I got back, my hands were still cold after 30 minutes. I was in doubt, unsure whether I'm still warm-blooded.

A:"Can I stop here?"
B:"It's too boring."
A:"What? That sounds like an insult."
B:"Really? Did I say that? What does "it" refers to anyway?"
A:"Fine. I shall stop HERE."

Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, it was a sad and a happy moment for me on Thursday. Our class had a class party, and very co-incidentally, it was also Ezral's birthday. Ezral is a boy from my class. The happy part of that day was exams were finally over, and the party has just started. Our class managed to get 200 dollars, in hard cash, as we got the third place for the school's jog-a-thon. Other than the 200 dollars, we participated in choral speaking and so, we got 50 dollars more. What a wind fall! Well, which was quite fair, knowing that our class funds were always running dry. So, with the cash, we bought 12 pizzas for the class and a big chocolate cake to celebrate Ezral's birthday. Since he is also known as fireman, so, Fireman turned 13 on that day. Actually, he was not called fireman for no reason. His name was quite special, but I couldn't remember it off hand.

We ate the pizzas in joy, and some were photographing. I was also one of them, taking shots of teachers and friends. At first, Loga brought a bag of flour, thinking that he may throw that bag on Ezral. But he failed to do so. Pn Anis wasn't very happy with him. So he had no choice but to throw it in the waste paper basket.

Then, out of no where came two prefects, who wants to meet those probates for next year. I was included in. Somehow, don't know how, Pn choong approached us. She said that she was finding high and low for us. Then, she remembered about our party.

She questioned us:
"Where is my cake?"
"I though you all are having a party?"
"Am I not invited?"

Sam said:"You want any drinks?"

Sam asked: "What drinks you want? We have Kickapoo, 100 plus..........."

Pn Choong said: "Wah, still got drinks. Ok "
Then, we offered to send the cake and drinks to the staff room, knowing that she was very tired.

When we got back, a cake fight started. Cake splattered all over, faces all covered in thick, sweet chocolate. It was shocking. At the end, all of us had to clean up the classroom.

Christopher told me:" This is my first time mopping the floor.''

After the cleaning was done, the angry teacher stepped in and her expression changed rapidly, showing us satisfaction. We got her a gift, and a heart shaped cardboard with all our signatures on it. The teacher was delighted. The wide smile spread on her face from ear to ear. As it was her last day with us, she thanked all of us with a short yet meaningful talk. Alas, I had to give one speech to the class too. I was nervous at first, just couldn't think of what to say. But, I got my way through. Happy and jolly. The school bell rung. All of us were carrying bags of form 2 books back.

That joyful moment was short but it was worth while having this party. No regrets.

Almost forgot, the sad moment was when the school bell rung. Would we even meet each other next year? Don't know.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Hey, it has been a long time ago since I updated my blog. How do you all like the theme? It gives my blog a funky look. By the way, it looks like you are entering another side of the world, very secluded and unknown. Well, since the holidays have arrived, I shall update this blog more frequently.

This should be sufficient for now. =]

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Under Costruction

My blog will be officially closed for renovation. This major renovation needs about one and a half months to be completed. Please drop by soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. New posts will be posted by that time. A whole new world. Renovation will be sub-contracted. Keep out of danger zone!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


This is a picture I edited and I changed the name to 1 Belian. Not sure whether it looks good.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A fool

I had tuition this horrible Friday, and it all started like that. The teacher came and he started teaching. Suddenly, something struck his mind. He could not have the tuition on the same day the next week. This Yu Xian, trying to act as if she is so bloody smart, like a fool, got tell the teacher this cannot, that cannot. At that time I could not stand her foolish act and her annoying behaviour, like mother like daughter. She thinks she rule the tuition, just because it is in her house. Damn it. and I am not free that particular Tuesday night. Both things clash. All her fault, curse her. What's more, my mood was not very good that night. Her house like infested with cats. Cats walking in and out, on the chair, table...... Couldn't resist any more. TOO MUCH.

5 Puzzling Matters

It all started like that. My class was very noisy for the pass few months. I don't know what is bothering them, but I am unhappy about a few things.

  1. A few boys thinking they are tugs are a little difficult for me to deal with.
  2. They would not shut their mouths up when I ask them to lower down their voices.
  3. I sometimes suffer a sore-throat caused by all the shoutings.
  4. I have been defamed by someone in my class blog: and that person posted that I am a useless class monitor and I copy other peoples answer all the time which is DEFINITELY FALSE.
  5. I changed that websites chat box into a new one, but soe of the girls in my class, so choosy and picky, say like that not nice, don't appreciate this, looks like crap........ ALL the stupid remarks about that blog just because I'm a boy and I changed somethings unlike some ugly stuff on the old one which was created by a girl. I didn't know they like dirty army green. LAME colour.
5 things I'm unhappy with. But what can I do? It's all in the past. Extra burden, especially being an admin and a writer of my class blog. Stupid fools....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Roti Bakar...

This is what had happened to a roti bakar just now. I ate it. Since today is some public holiday, I don't know why, my mother took me and my brother to Kopi Time for tea. I also had a cup of Teh Halia, also known as Ginger Tea and two pau s. One of them was chicken and the other one was the special one. Three of us shared two of them. Actually, my mother wanted to order 'chee cheong fun' but it looked to simple. She changed her mind and ordered the pau. No regrets having tea today.
Then we went a little stroll in Atria. There was a new store selling hardware tools, then my brother came across a Fuzzy Ball. We pursued mother to get it, since it looks quite interesting. Anyway, mission failed. My mother was then rushing for time.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


It's terrible being sick. And when the coughing, sneezing, sore throat.......comes, it's worse. what's
more? The Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner. Imagine how nice will it be eating moon cakes of different types that will make a person drool. Moon cakes are very mouth watering, and it's irresistible. Anyway, it's also very sad that it rained on the full moon's night. (shaking my head) As paper lanterns will get wet in the rain, so I decided to watch television. Well, it's quite a heavy job for a class monitor, and some of my classmates just can't keep their big mouths shut while the teacher is away. I sacrifice time, energy and sweat, going up and down the staircase, carrying books, collecting some papers from the staffroom, but no one seems to appreciate the things I have done. It's always a little difficult dealing with the boys at the back of the classroom. The others around the classroom too, making lots of noise, disturbing others. But it's still my duty and I have to bear with it. It's terrible......

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Three Guys to Heaven

Three guys die and end up at the gates of heaven, talking to St. Peter.

"So," Peter asks the first guy, "how many times did you cheat on your wife?"

"None. I had a perfect marriage."

"Great," says Peter. "You get to cruise around heaven in a Mercedes. And you, how many times did you cheat on your wife?"

"Only twice, I think," says the second guy.

"Okay. You get to cruise around heaven in a Cadillac. And you, how many times did you cheat on your wife?"

"12 times. Maybe 13," says the third guy.

"Okay," says Peter. "You get a rusty Ford."

Later that day, the guy in the Cadillac sees the guy in the Mercedes crying.

"What's wrong?"

"I just saw my wife."


"She was riding a skateboard."

Top Reasons Eminem's Wife Filed for Divorce

--That comment about Elton being "twice the woman" she ever was.
--Caught Eminem fantasizing about killing other women.
--Sick of hiding her love for the Insane Clown Posse.
--Sure, he talks and raps like a black man, but when he takes down his pants...
--Would rather end up like Nicole Kidman than Nicole SIMPSON.
--Overheard 5-year-old daughter shouting, "Faggot!" while watching "Mr. Rogers".
--Recently overtaken by a strange and unfamiliar compulsion to live past the age of 35.
--I mean come on, people. . . the dude LOST TO STEELY DAN!!!
--Thanks to a recent surgery, her head's no longer implanted deep within her own rectum.
...And The Top Reason Eminem's Wife Filed For Divorce. . .
--Sick of dating a rich, famous, abusive bastard. Would like to try a poor, unknown abusive bastard for a change.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Saiful or SHIT ful?

This is getting ridiculous and the BN government is yet again insulting our intelligence! Saiful’s saga is so pathetic, that it will never stand in any court of public opinion. We do not care about him swearing on the Quran as it has nothing to do with Syariah rulings.

Furthermore, being so heavily tainted and compromised, his testimony in Islam or in the court of public opinion is worthless! We all know that the BN is behind all of this, but what’s surprising is how stupid they are not to realise that it is best for them to just quietly withdraw the case and reduce the damage inflicted on the government.

I guarantee you that, after this ridiculous swearing and more ridiculous statement that ‘sodomy’ was forced (by a weak 61-year-old on a healthy and strong-looking 23-year-old), AnwarPermatang Pauh with an even bigger majority than Kak Wan. All righteous Malaysians of Permatang Pauh will come in droves and take Anwar to Parliament. Ibrahim will win

Mark my words, Saiful, and watch what will happen when BN is no longer the ruling government. Hope that bloody bastard tastes his own medicine soon.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Noisy, Noisier or Noisiest?

As a class monitor, I have the responsibility to look an eye out for noise pollutants. That also mean that they are talkative children. Shouting, copying names, threatening them....... All the ways I could think of, but nothing beats the presence of a discipline teacher. Once a discipline teacher enters the classroom, it changes from a noisy wet-market-like-classroom into a peaceful empty land with no human existence. Going round and round the class, warning them and telling them to lower their voices, makes me busy all the time. Randomly, it is still a good form of exercise. One more thing, the primary noise pollutants are: Kang Zi Yang, Tan Hock Lim, Rii-Chuan & Gang, some of the girls (giggling for no reason)..............

Sunday, July 20, 2008

No time

Sorry guys, I have not updated my blog for quite some time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Feeding Fish

Funny Advertisement. Have fun!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pau fever!

Old Cantonese custom, dim sum, which is inextricably linked to the Chinese tradition of yum cha or "drinking tea". Dim sum (literally "to touch the heart") are special Cantonese snacks chosen from steaming bamboo baskets of delectable dishes paraded past on trolleys.There are many mouth-watering delicacies such as steamed buns with roast pork, shrimp dumplings with a translucent skin. There are usually three to four pieces per order, with each dish, plate or steamer basket. Those pau s are fragrant and delicious. Eating them will make you want to eat to your hearts content. Once you walk in the dim sum shop, I bet you will drool, just feel like eating, eating and eating. For example, the Char Siu Pau: Although visually similar to other types of steamed pau, the dough of steamed cha siu pau is unique since it makes use both yeast and baking powder as leavening . This unique mix of leavening gives the dough of cha siu pau a soft, fluffy, and almost cake-like texture. Indeed the texture of the dough is so appealing that many other types of steamed pau. And the filling, shredded pork meat+spices+seasoning=Good pau.Well, in the menu of Hong Kong dim sum, there are plentiful of mouth-watering dishes, and not only the pau I mentioned about. It is good to try out all these delicacies and enjoy every bite of the food.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Teachers in DJ

Most teachers get pregnant and take leave for approximately two months. This kind of situation in DJ sounds very common to me. Cloying, very cloying. During that period, there is no replacement teachers to come in and teach the students but only a relief teacher enters the class and leaves the class alone on what they want to do. Noisy and disturbing. A sad state of affairs. I hope I am always at luck and never go through this experience again.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The shoe matter

My mother bought me a new pair of shoes during the holidays.It is a pair of school shoes, which is white in color. But, That pair of shoes has a small gold design at the back, where the shoe brand is sewed. It is almost unnoticeable unless one stares at my shoes while I am walking. It doesn't really look like a sports shoes. Unfortunately, I was very unlucky that day. After recess break was over, I climbed up the stairs to my classroom. While getting to my desk, one very picky and sharped-eye prefect halted me. She gave me a warning and insist of me getting a new pair of ordinary white shoes.(Those shoes will look like an old, torn and tattered shoe after a few months) My heart sank. Big question marks were wandering about my head. I got quite irritated at that moment. But what could I do? Maybe I am wrong or breaking the school rules, but I just could not stand her attitude. I wonder why she looked at my shoes when she has better things to do? What kind of sport shoes am I wearing? Basketball shoes? Football shoes? Tennis shoes? Table tennis shoes? Badminton shoes? ? ? ? ? ? After making some amendments, it turned out like that.(As shown as above)

Schools and Donation

The image above is the school badge of SMK Damansara Jaya. "S" for Sekolah, "M" for Menengah, and "K" for Kebangsaan. This is a government school, a secondary school. Friendly speaking, if the school really needs the cash to upgrade the school's facilities, then I agree with that. If it is the other way, then maybe not. If the school has other motives than as told, I don't think that is very good news. Most parents are all willing to pay as long as their children get proper education and proper facilities to use in school. Hope SMK DJ's headmistress co-operate
with the schools Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) to upgrade the school. This is for every child's needs. Lend them a helping hand when they really need your help.

Sponge Bob in China

This video clip is quite lame. Heard this kind of spongebob edition the first time ever. Spongebob a little mata sepek in this clip. ............... Just play it and you will know the actual result and expressions.

Laughing Pill?

It started all like that. I don't really know why I laughed that day. At that moment, the teacher was not there. The class was very noisy, like a whole classroom filled with chatter boxes. I was discussing with Qi Hong, my classmate about something. Suddenly, POooof.... I laughed and laughed, couldn't control myself. I laughed like mad for no reason. When our replacement maths teacher stepped in the classroom, i was still laughing. To make things worse, my face was tomato red at that time. As usual, the stern Pn. Norliza will tell the whole class to stand up straight before I start greeting the teacher. As I don't have any choice left and I could not stop laughing, I went for an alternative- ask the assistant monitor to do my job. Ingenious right...... And Nicholas Lee said I ate a laughing pill.

Friday, June 13, 2008

One Republic - Apologize

I'm holding on a rope
Got me 10 feet off the ground
I'm hearin' what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me then you go and cut me down
But wait
You tell me that you're sorry didn't think I'd turn around and say:

That it's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

I'd take another chance, take a fall, take a shot for you
I need you like a heart needs a beat, it's nothing new
Yeah, yea
I loved you with a fire red now it's turning blue
And you say
Sorry lord, the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid

It's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

It's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

I'm holding on a rope
Got me 10 feet off the ground

Oil could hit US$150 in next two months, say experts

OIL experts yesterday tipped crude oil prices to surge to US$150 a barrel in the next two months, citing factors that include strong demand and speculation by commodities traders.
But Rakyat of Malaysia will suffer as the sleepyhead PM increases the petrol price. He does'nt even know how to manage the country properly from day one. We people don't even know what does he do in his office. Taking bribes or doing his job? I'll leave it to you to decide.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


"Hancock", sounds cool. Does it? Haha, not missing this action-pack movie.

Kungfu Panda

Po the Panda (voice of Jack Black) dreams of being a martial-arts master but is, in reality, a fat, lazy, black-and-white slob. But when his town is threatened by evildoers, a group of real kung fu experts need to transform Po into the legendary "Chosen One," who is destined to save the day. I have watched this movie, quite comical, laughing and giggling all the way in the cinema. Must watch =) the English version. My friends say the cantonese version isn't very nice, because Jackie Chan's voice in it. Haha. Don't think its that bad lah.

How Beijing 2008 got its name

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